Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Here's my poem for those who beautify the yard of friendship;

I have titled it as

'God's Prayer.'

In the tiny petal, of a tiny flower, that grew from a tiny pod;
Is the miracle, and the mystery - the creation of God.
My garden beautifies my yard, and add fragrance to the air;
But it is also my cathedral, and my quiet place of prayer.
So little do we realize, that the glory and the power;
Of him who made the universe, lie hidden in the flower!

When I looked at this flower, I was looking at God;
For it bloomed in his sun, grew in his sod.
And this lovely flower was a voice from above, That whispered a message of kindness and love... For I feel in my heart, and I know, YOU do too;
That God speaks to us all, through the kind things we do.

And when I looked at You- The Flower, I couldn’t help but feel,
That YOU bought the heaven nearer, and made God so real...
This life became a garden for me, and your love - A Flower,
That blooms and grows to beauty, with the sunshine and the shower...
And lovely are the blossoms, that are tended with great care.
By those who work unselfishly, to make the garden more fair...

And like the garden blossoms, Love’s flower grows sweet.
When watched and tended carefully, by the one we know and meet...
And if the seed of love is planted deep and true and watched with understanding;

Love’s flower will bloom for you.


At 5:12 AM , Blogger Amit said...

hey ratika! haven't heard from you for so long.. how are u doing??


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